I have the following picture:
I tried to draw it with tikz:
\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}
\definecolor{amber}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0}
\definecolor{antique}{rgb}{0.8, 0.58, 0.46}
\definecolor{pastelorange}{rgb}{1.0, 0.7, 0.28}
\node[trapezium, draw, very thin, trapezium left angle=120, trapezium right angle=60] at (0,0) {};
which results in:
What I am not able to do:
- mirror the object
- fill it (hatch it) with colored stripes
- make the arrows (vectors)
Is it possible to do the same with 3D object (parallelepiped)?
Thanks all !