I'm seeing a rather unexpected result with \NewDocumentCommand. Suppose I have a custom-defined command \mybold{}, like this:


Or \oybold[]:


I would expect to be able to refer to these in another \NewDocumentCommand, like any of the following:


The first and the third just produce a bunch of errors (missing $ inserted, missing } inserted, extra } etc.); while \moyvec[k] and \ooyvec[k] produce the following output:

enter image description here

(rather than the desired \hat\mathbf{k})

I assume this has something to do with it entering math mode twice. How can I fix this?

  • 3
    do not show only code snippets. Always show a small but complete example that can be used for a test. Commented Nov 13, 2023 at 16:04
  • 1
    \hat\mybold is the same as \hat{\mybold} so naturally raises errors as the base of the accent is \mybold with no argument supplied. Commented Nov 13, 2023 at 16:07
  • 1
    This isn't related to math mode or \NewDocumentCommand you would see same if you defined \mybold simply as \def\mybold#1{#1} Commented Nov 13, 2023 at 16:08

1 Answer 1


You want the argument of \hat to be \mybold{#1} not \mybold so the markup should be \hat{\mybold{#1}}

with the optional argument version it is similar \hat{\oybold}[k] the base of the accent is \oybold with no optional argument so you get \hat{a} then the [k] is just typeset as text, it is not an argument to the command.

You want \hat{\oybold[#1]}


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