I was trying to make changes to a template but was running into an issue. You see, it seems the first character (Chinese) was always missing from the first line under the {defn} line.(Like this picture as below)
Here is my code :
\usepackage[paperwidth=210mm, paperheight=297mm, margin=2cm]{geometry}
\parindent 0in
\parskip 1pt
\geometry{margin=1in, headsep=0.25in}
% Definition
\newtcbtheorem[use counter=cnt, number within=section]{defn}{Definition}
{theorem style=theorem wide name and number,breakable,enhanced,arc=0mm,outer arc=0mm,
boxrule=0pt,toprule=1pt,leftrule=0pt,bottomrule=1pt, rightrule=0pt,left=0.2cm,right=0.2cm,
colframe=white!10!coral,colback=white!75!pink,coltitle=white, coltext=bourguignon!80!coral,
title style={white!10!coral}, before skip=8pt, after skip=8pt,