I have made the following diagrams using the tikz-cd
\[\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=25pt]\emph{Aut}(A)\arrow[rr,"\phi_h"]&&\emph{Aut (A')\\&G\arrow[ur,"\rho'"]\arrow[ul,"\rho"]\end{tikzcd}\]
\[\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=25pt]X\arrow[rr,"h"]\arrow[dr,"f"]&&Y\arrow[dl,"g"]\\&A\end{tikzcd}\]
How can I make it so that the $\rho'$ in the first diagram and the $f$ go below the arrow? Any help is appreciated.
note the latter is"
and a'
missing. And\emph
should never even be here. Use\operatorname{Aut}
for a one-of or use\DeclareMathOperator\Aut{Aut}
in the preamble to define it for reuse.