I am using dissertation template. Following is the link:
Can anybody get access to all my documents using the above link?
I am trying to represent the Solidity code listing as figures. I have written the following code listing for representing as a figure as shown below:
\caption{Example of Information Flow Rules}
[language=Solidity, label={lst:Etahinter1}]
contract IFR{
function initOwner(address _owner) public { owner = _owner;}
function EasyTokill() public {
if (msg.sender == owner)
{ /* sensitive code like selfdestruct or Ether transfer statement */ ... }}
The resultant latex listing shows the following unwanted line at the top sometimes and sometimes not:
[language=Solidity, label={lst:Etahinter1}]
Please guide me how to get rid of the above line. Zulfi.