What is the simplest way to choose a precise font size for page numbers? For some reason the page numbers are 10 points but the rest is 11 points.
This is my preamble:
\pdfminorversion=7 % For the inclusion of pdfs
% Packages
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, dsfont, mathtools} % Math symbols
\usepackage{fullpage, graphicx} % Formatting
\usepackage{hyperref} % Clickable links
\usepackage{enumitem} % Enumerate options
\usepackage{xcolor} %F or the colours
\usepackage{thmtools} % Changing the QED symbol, etc.
\usepackage{caption, subcaption} % Captioning of tables and such
\usepackage{multirow} % Horizontal lines in tables
\usepackage{tikz-cd} % tikz
\usetikzlibrary{calc,patterns,angles,quotes,shapes.geometric} % tikz add-ons
% Formatting
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, urlcolor=purple, citecolor=blue,
linkcolor=red, pdfstartview={XYZ null null 0.90}}
% Math operators
% Theorems
for all of its page numbers, hence the page numbers will be smaller than the body text. You have basically two options: (1) is to look throughamsart
for every pagestyle definition and remove the\scriptsize
(either by making a copy of the documentclass and editing it, or by including new\def
s that overwrite theamsart
definitions in your document); (2) use something like fancyhdr to specify the page style to your heart's content.hyperref
needs to be loaded late. Avoid loading packages more than once.\usepackage{fullpage}
(no explicit package options provided, hence the margins default to "1in") with\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}
. The geometry package provides lots and lots of formatting options and comes with a great user guide.