I would like to go from a list of words through a dedicated command, for instance \listofwords{one word;one longer word;word and word} to the expanded list of the same words, ie:

\item one word
\item one longer word
\item word and word

and the initial list could store more (or less) semicolon-separated words.

Edit The following may be more challenging: how to go from two different lists, \listofwords{word;wordd;worddd} and \listofterms{term;termm;termmm} to

\item word term
\item wordd termm
\item worddd termmm

where worddd (or any other of the lists above) could store several space-separated words. Based on the previous answers, I had a look at the xparse and etoolbox packages but could no find any useful solution :(

  • Does it have to use semicolon as the delimiter, or would commas work as well?
    – Jake
    Sep 6, 2012 at 21:14
  • semicolon are preferred because commas could be part of the words. Is this a problem?
    – pluton
    Sep 6, 2012 at 21:20
  • @pluton and semicolons can't be part of the words? Sep 6, 2012 at 21:22
  • well, no they are not supposed to but \listofwords{one word}{one longer word}{word and word} would be acceptable as well.
    – pluton
    Sep 6, 2012 at 21:24

2 Answers 2


etoolbox provides list processing capabilities to suit this requirement:

enter image description here

\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
  \renewcommand{\do}[1]{\item ##1}% Update how the list items will be processed
    \@listofwords{#1}% Process items
\DeclareListParser{\@listofwords}{;}% \@listofwords{<word>;<word>;...}
\listofwords{one word;one longer word;word and word}

\item one word
\item one longer word
\item word and word

\DeclareListParser{\@listofwords}{;} creates a list parser \@listofwords that processes its separated by ;.


This is easy with xparse:

\NewDocumentCommand{\additem}{m}{\item #1}

\listofwords{one word;one longer word;word and word}

\item one word
\item one longer word
\item word and word

The list environment is just to show that the output is identical. (Note that list takes two arguments.)

enter image description here

  • I am giving points to Werner so that you are not too far ahead :)
    – pluton
    Sep 7, 2012 at 7:59

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