Hi all and happy new year!
First time poster here and I just had a quick question that I am having trouble solving. I posted a MWE of basic LaTeX beamer code using the Metropolis theme.* I would like to (globally) have the progress bar have a border around it, specifying the color and thickness of the border (let's say a blue border that is 0.25pt thick). How can this be accomplished?
Please let me know if there is anything I can clarify. Thank you very much in advance to anyone kind enough to consider my question.
I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2024!
*Specifically, the Overleaf template, with frames replaced and with minor modifications in the first line of the MWE code and in the "My Mods" section of the preamble.
Minimum Working Example (MWE)
\documentclass[12pt,aspectratio=169,xcolor={svgnames, dvipsnames}]{beamer}
% My Mods
\title{Metropolis -- Modified}
\subtitle{A modern beamer theme}
% \date{\today}
\author{Matthias Vogelgesang}
\institute{Center for modern beamer themes}
% \titlegraphic{\hfill\includegraphics[height=1.5cm]{logo.pdf}}
\begin{frame}{First Frame}
blah blah blah?
\item blah blah blah.
\item blah blah.
\item yadda yadda yadda.
\begin{frame}{Second Frame}
blah blah!
\item blah blah blah.
\item blah blah.
\item blah blah bah.