If I wanted, say, to nullify all the footnote commands in a document without actually deleting them, I could use the command \renewcommand\footnote[2][]{}
. (See, for example, Looking for a Way to Nullify All Footnotes without Actually Removing Them from the Code)
I would like to know if it is possible, and if so, how, may I (analogously) neutralize all the colorizing commands in a document---without deleting them---so that the resulting document contains only grayscale and no other colorings?
I ask the question because, for instance, when one self-publishes a book (on say, Amazon), it is much cheaper to do so in black and white---and I don't know whether a document with color can be uploaded and automatically converted to grayscale---or whether it will be produced in color at a much higher cost.
Hence, consider the MWE:
\definecolor{forestgreen}{rgb}{.13, .55, .13}
\definecolor{RoyalRed}{RGB}{157,16, 45}
\definecolor{scarlet}{RGB}{255, 36, 0}
\definecolor{burntorange}{rgb}{0.8, 0.33, 0.0}
\definecolor{cadmiumgreen}{rgb}{0.0, 0.42, 0.24}
\begin{tcolorbox}[width=.90\textwidth,colback={white},title={\textcolor{white}{\bf \hfill COLOR TO GRAYSCALE \hfill}},colbacktitle=burntorange,coltitle=black] \par \emph{} \\
\textcolor{scarlet}{\textbf{AAA}} \\
\textcolor{aPurple}{\textbf{BBB}} \\
\textcolor{cadmiumgreen}{\textbf{CCC}} \\
\textcolor{forestgreen!35!black}{\textbf{DDD}} \\
\textcolor{RoyalRed}{\textbf{EEE}} \\
\textcolor{burntorange}{\textbf{FFF}} \\
which produces the output:
QUESTION: How may I convert all text and tcolorbox coloring to grayscale (if possible) in ``one fell swoop'' without deleting any of the colorizing code? I compiled the code with pdflatex
Thank you.