Solution based on package zref-savepos
\providecommand*{\zsaveposx}{\zsavepos}% for older versions
% \zrefused{\thedashlinecnt-b}% can be omitted
\tikz\draw[dashed](0,0) -- %
A\hfill B
Hello World \dashedlinefill
Solution based on tikz
' remember picture
(Update: overlay
added for first \tikz
This is explained in section 16.13 Referencing Nodes Outside the Current Pictures.
The example also needs option overlay
for the first \tikz
command to avoid a shift of the first node and a line with a slight slope.
(Second update:) The reason is that \tikz
uses a drawing area with a minimal width and height of 1pt
. Thus instead of overlay
minimum width=0pt,
minimum height=0pt,
can be used for the first \tikz
. The second \tikz
still requires overlay
of course.
\tikz[remember picture,overlay,inner sep=0pt]\node(\thedashlinecnt){};%
\tikz[remember picture,overlay,inner sep=0pt]\draw[dashed](\thedashlinecnt) -- (0,0);%
A\hfill B
Hello World \dashedlinefill
This solution also needs two LaTeX runs. However, in this case a rerun warning is not provided by tikz
. I'll add a picture in another comment.Some text \tikz \draw [dashed] (0,0) -- (0.8\textwidth, 0);
You could tweak the0.8
to any number <1, perhaps, that would be obvious.TikZ
(or TeX) to be able to automatically set the coordinates of the margin so that I would no longer need to set the coordinates by hand every time I change my margin size.