I found a very neat beamer
theme (Arguelles
, https://github.com/piazzai/arguelles) however there are three things that I believe are troublesome with the theme. I am trying to improve them but I am finding myself short of the required knowledge in the beamer
class and LaTeX
in general. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This question is about circumventing the use of TikZ to define every frame's background. The background of each slide is defined using a TikZ
picture, recomputed for every slide. This is not bothering for short presentations with few other TikZ
figures, but it becomes quite a problem once one tries to write long presentations with many TikZ
figures, where the use of the TikZ
library externalize
would be beneficial. Again, I can circumvent this by replacing lines 62-69 of beamerinnerthemeArguelles.sty
by \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=structure.bg}
, but it removes the bottom black bar and seems to break other things such as standout slides. The question is then: how to rewrite the background
specification in beamerinnerthemeArguelles.sty
so that it produces the same output, without using TikZ