I'm having unexpected problems getting the "Hoefler Text" font to work when using LuaLaTeX (under MacTeX2012, all the latest updates installed) on a Mac (MacOS X 10.7.4). The following MWE
\setmainfont{Hoefler Text}
Hello World.
throws the following error message when run under LuaLaTeX:
! fontspec error: "font-not-found"
! The font "HoeflerText" cannot be found.
Oddly, the very same MWE when run under XeLaTeX does not throw an error. The font is present on my Mac, under /Library/Fonts/, with a filename of Hoefler Text.ttc
. For what it's worth, this seems to one of very few fonts in this directory with this filename extension (which I believe Apple calls "Truetype font collection"); almost all others have extensions such as .ttf
and .otf
Is there something special about Hoefler Text
on a Mac that requires a special font-loading sequence to work under LuaLaTeX?
Addendum: Since first posting this question, I've learned from the comments and answer that this problem appears to affect all fonts stored in .ttc
format on a Mac system, not just Hoefler Text
Hoefler Text
. Also other system fonts likeGaramond
andLucida Sans
produce thefontspec error: "font-not-found"
with LuaLaTeX (while XeLaTex works fin in all cases).~/Library/texlive/2012/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/names/otfl-names.lua
it seems allttc
font collection files are ignored byluaotfload
format on a Mac, and not justHoefler Text
. I'll update my question to reflect this "insight".