I've got a document that has English, Arabic, and Korean in it; I'd solved the "English-Korean" combination but anything I tried to do that added Arabic caused a clash with what worked for English and Korean. Finally How to add Arabic in-line with English sentence in XeLaTeX? got me a solution which gets me all the Arabic I need except for ONE CHARACTER:

Missing character: There is no ﷺ (U+FDFA) in font FreeSerif/OT:script=arab;lang uage=dflt;mapping=tex-text;!

I think the solution is I need to use a different font, but since all my other attempts didn't work precisely because of font reasons, I really don't know what to do.

Here is my mwe:


\XeTeXcharclass "2026 = 0





  • U+FDFA is not so much a character as a special ligature. You can find it in Amiri, IBM Plex Sans Arabic, Noto, and Scheherazade, among other freely available fonts. But your question isn’t answerable in its present state: what exactly did you try to do that caused a clash? Were there error messages? What did they say?
    – Thérèse
    Commented Mar 3 at 15:14
  • Which document class are you using? \documentclass{article}?
    – Thérèse
    Commented Mar 3 at 18:05
  • yes, \documentclass{article} -- sorry, I'm not adept at the formatting of these posts, and I didn't realize that the triple backticks had to be on a line alone before the text to be formatted as code. That's fixed now. I gave the text of the error message I received: "Missing character: There is no ﷺ (U+FDFA) in font FreeSerif/OT:script=arab;lang uage=dflt;mapping=tex-text;!" Commented Mar 3 at 19:12
  • That’s not an error: it’s just a warning that the output won’t display the missing glyph, but a PDF is still produced. What’s the clash you mentioned? Does my example work for you?
    – Thérèse
    Commented Mar 3 at 19:18
  • The mwe provided was the first attempt I got where there wasn't a conflict between what I needed for Korean and what I needed for Arabic. The lack of the glyph was the problem: I need that glyph, and this method of generating both Korean and Arabic is the only way I had that wasn't causing a compile error. Commented Mar 3 at 19:26

1 Answer 1


At the command line, albatross ﷺ will show you which fonts on your computer supply the ligature in question. Amiri is among those in TeX Live.

\XeTeXcharclass "2026 = 0




  • Alas, I don't have Amiri installed! [And I have been unsuccessful in installing it manually.] But the albatross command is super helpful, I'll try one of the fonts I do have, thank you. Commented Mar 3 at 19:15

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