In LyX there's the bottommost toolbar that displays various bits of useful information.

In order to save space on my screen, can I remove this toolbar?

enter image description here

Or if I can't, can I maybe move it next to another toolbar, e.g. like this:

enter image description here

(By the way, is there a name for this toolbar?)

  • 1
    To save space, nothing better than F11 (View → Fullscreen) and F11 again if you need to return to the menu/toolbars.
    – Fran
    Commented Mar 5 at 9:08

1 Answer 1


This region is intended to give you feedback from the Lyx-GUI about latest actions, hints etc. Here e.g. I selected some text:


I don't think, you can remove or move it, at lest it's not evident to me from the Preferences. So here are some things you could do:

  • ignore it / live with it
  • follow Fran's advice using full screen
  • shift your Lyx window close enough to your screens bottom, so it's "hidden"
  • find out where it's handled in source code, modify and compile Lyx as a program

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