I temporarily need to add some packages to an old computer with Win7 + MikTex 2.9.7364.
I have already tried all the steps from MIKTex 2.9.6161 ssl error when trying to update, and added both
to the user and system environment variables. I rebooted, but still I see in "MikTex console > Settings > Package installation > Change > Remote package repository (Internet) > Next`:
SSL connect error
code="35", url="https://api2.miktex.org/hello"
How to temporarily disable HTTPS in MikTex 2.9.7364 to avoid this SSL error?
Linked but didn't solve: https://sourceforge.net/p/miktex/bugs/2548/
being available).set MIKTEX_MPM_REMOTESERVICE6100=multiplexor
+ idem...6210=...
would make it work. Wouldn't it? It would be great to find an old installer of 2.9.6161 to test. Would you have an archive? I found it nowhere on internet...