I am just using,


\title{My Tufte Book}
\author{Your Name}



This is the introduction to my Tufte-style book.

Here is some background information.

\sidenote{This is a sidenote.}

\subsection{More Details}
Here are more details about the background.

This chapter describes the methods used in the study.

In conclusion, this Tufte Book example is quite basic.


and I am getting

Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 


Package ifplatform Warning: 
    shell escape is disabled, so I can only detect \ifwindows.

(/Users/paulallen/Library/Application Support/MiKTeX/texmfs/install/tex/generic
/iftex/ifxetex.sty) (
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 


I am using MikTex-texworks and it is all up to date, I have used it before but for some reason it's not working now. It renders in TexShop so I'm out of Ideas.


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  • your example runs on an up to date texlive, you probably have old versions of expl3 or a package in your path but you haven't shown enough of the log to know. Commented Mar 23 at 22:43
  • oh actually it's trying to run \input{|kpsewhich -var-value=max_print_line} does that work on miktex? sorry I don't have miktex to test. Someone here will be able to check. Commented Mar 23 at 22:45
  • works ok for me on miktex. Show the complete log-file. Commented Mar 23 at 23:07
  • 1
    why do you have two tex systems installed, can't you just use the one that works? Commented Mar 24 at 0:09
  • 1
    Easiest solution is likely to configure TeXworks to use TeX Live and get rid of MikTeX.
    – cfr
    Commented Mar 24 at 5:37


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