Here is an MWE. If you compile this to PDF, you get a half-empty page on the first page, as the last part of the text doesn't come up, but is forced onto a new page. Compare this with the same thing, but with the \begin{landscape} removed.




blah blah


A whole lot more text.


Thing is, I really need a full page landscape for this particular figure, because it has so much detail. Is there a way to do this that doesn't break the text flow so badly? (perhaps using another package? the pdflscape documentation is horrendous - 14 pages, and only two lines dedicated to usage.)


2 Answers 2


landscape does \clearpage you don't want that, just use a figure and rotate the image with


or if you want the caption on its side as well use the sidewaysfigure environment from the rotating package


Package afterpage does the trick. If the environment landscape is put into \afterpage then the landscape page is inserted after the current page is completed.




blah blah


A whole lot more text.


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