Can anyone help me realize the chapter design shown in the figure? Thank you
I am trying to use usepackage titlesec, but I have trouble mimicking the style in the figure. The following is my code. Can someone help me to modify my code to obtain the style shown in the figure? And for these commands like \thechapter, \vspace, where can I find a reference for them?
{\titlerule[2pt]\vspace{3pt}\titlerule[2pt]\vspace{3pt}\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter}{5pt}
My latex template is \documentclass{book}
and I am satisfied with @egreg's solution regarding the chapter design, but what can I do to adjust the header to the mid place and make the headers of all pages (no matter even or odd) centered and only show the section content?
The figure below is what I want to have (mainly the red circles) But what I got is by default from the book template, see figure below where one can see
- the headers are not centered;
- pages from odd and even show different header content.
, but lots of people like it, I know. For the commands you mention, any standard introduction to LaTeX can provide details and examples.\thechapter
formats the current chapter number e.g.1
adds vertical space if it's appropriate according to LaTeX's algorithms e.g. not at the top of a page.