I have what should be a simple question -- I am trying to set margins in my document to 1in all around. My full preamble is below. I'm rendering to pdf using the Texifier program, which I like because it renders in real time, but I just started using it. The margins look correct in the footnote, but the body text has much wider side margins (so the footnote text extends about 1/2 inch beyond the body text). I really need to whole document, body and footnotes, to have the 1-inch margins.
The issue persists whether or not I'm using the double spacing.
Is it maybe something to do with default settings in Texifier?
\documentclass[12pt]{article}\title{My Title}
%Graphics and Tables
\usepackage[style = authoryear]{biblatex}
\author{My Name\thanks{My acknowledgments.}
\abstract{My abstract.}
is an environment so the fragment you posted is equivalent to\begin{abstract} {My Abstract}
with no\end{abstract}
so the entire document will be in the abstract and set with larger margins, as for aquotation