I'm trying to find an easy way to have a right (or left) arrow with a full tip. I need it in sentences like press "A" → "B" → "C" or better a full arrow. the amsmath shows the funny curly arrows

is there an easy way to get a "nicer" arrow without getting into tikz, since in plain sentences thta's not really working

      \draw[-latex] (0,0) -- (1,0) ;

1 Answer 1


You can create one with an assemblage of - and \blacktriangleright from the package amssymb, using \mathrel and \joinrel to handle the spacing


But the arrow head is too big. If you shrink it, a \vcenter is needed to align the triangle on the math axis. So something like this should work


The current font size (given by \f@size) is scaled by a factor 0.35; the commands \makeatletter and \makeatother are needed to handle the char @ in macro names. Note that this produces warnings about not available font sizes. You can suppress them with unicode-math (LuaLaTex or XeLaTeX).

Full example:





press "A" \myrightarrow{} "B" \myleftarrow{} "C"

{\Huge press "A" \myrightarrow{} "B" \myleftarrow{}  "C"}

{\tiny press "A" \myrightarrow{} "B" \myleftarrow{}  "C"}


arrows made by symbol assemblage

By the way, TikZ also works inline:



  \setlength{\myarrowunit}{\f@size pt}
  \tikz[baseline, yshift={0.3\myarrowunit}]
  \draw[-latex, line width={0.06\myarrowunit}]
  (0,0) -- (1.5\myarrowunit,0) ;%


press "A" \tikzrightarrow{} "B" \tikzrightarrow{}  "C"

{\Huge press "A" \tikzrightarrow{} "B" \tikzrightarrow{}  "C"}

{\tiny press "A" \tikzrightarrow{} "B" \tikzrightarrow{}  "C"}


with tikz

and also latex picture environment:



  \setlength{\unitlength}{\f@size pt}


press "A" \picrightarrow{} "B" \picrightarrow{}  "C"

{\Huge press "A" \picrightarrow{} "B" \picrightarrow{}  "C"}

{\tiny press "A" \picrightarrow{} "B" \picrightarrow{}  "C"}


with picture environment

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