Why these two arrows aren't in their places? First two chemmoves lines are in properly positions, and other two are something else and I can't find a problem in code. I compiled it few times.
Also I'd like to put the fourth structure above the second arrow, is it possible to put arrows there?
\draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=1pt](b1).. controls +(-45:15mm) and +(180:8mm).. (b2);
\draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt](b3).. controls +(100:5mm) and +(90:5mm).. (b4);
\draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=2pt](o1).. controls +(45:4mm) and +(160:4mm).. (h2);
\draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt](b5).. controls +(120:4mm) and +(180:4mm).. (n1);