Why these two arrows aren't in their places? First two chemmoves lines are in properly positions, and other two are something else and I can't find a problem in code. I compiled it few times.

Also I'd like to put the fourth structure above the second arrow, is it possible to put arrows there?

        \draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=1pt](b1).. controls +(-45:15mm) and +(180:8mm).. (b2);
        \draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt](b3).. controls +(100:5mm) and +(90:5mm).. (b4);
        \draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=2pt](o1).. controls +(45:4mm) and +(160:4mm).. (h2);
        \draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt](b5).. controls +(120:4mm) and +(180:4mm).. (n1);

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


something like this?

arrows 3 and 4 required small adjustments in angles and lengths, that's all.

The ring in the fourth molecule was wrong, I rewrote the molecule.


    \draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=1pt](b1).. controls +(-45:15mm) and +(180:8mm).. (b2);
    \draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt](b3).. controls +(100:5mm) and +(90:5mm).. (b4);
    \draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=2pt](o1).. controls +(40:6mm) and +(150:6mm).. (h2);
    \draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=0pt](b5).. controls +(150:6mm) and +(180:4mm).. (n1);

enter image description here

Compiling with XeLatex, a solution shown determines that the problem is in the \arrow command and a workaround and placing the \arrow command inside a \subscheme


    \draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=1pt](b1).. controls +(-45:15mm) and +(180:8mm).. (b2);
    \draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=2pt](b3).. controls +(100:5mm) and +(90:5mm).. (b4);
    \draw[shorten <=8pt,shorten >=2pt](o1).. controls +(40:6mm) and +(150:6mm).. (h2);
    \draw[shorten <=2pt,shorten >=0pt](b5).. controls +(150:6mm) and +(180:4mm).. (n1);

enter image description here

  • Im using TeXstudio and XeLaTeX as compiler, but it still doesnt work Commented Apr 17 at 0:54
  • The same thing happens when I compile in XeLatex. I don't know the cause of the problem. Suggestion: compile the reaction in pdflatex with \documentclass{standalone}, as in the answer I sent. This will create a PDF file with the image, which can then be inserted into the document as an image.
    – CrocoDuck
    Commented Apr 17 at 3:23
  • Compilation with XeLatex, there is a workaround, see the addition to my answer. but in this case, molecule 4 cannot stay on the arrow
    – CrocoDuck
    Commented Apr 17 at 3:43
  • Yeah thats perfect now, tkank you very much for help. Commented Apr 17 at 10:29

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