I have the following figure using this code coming from GeoGebra. For the third figure, I want to shade the area between the semicircle and the segments, but I cannot figure out how to do this.
enter image description here



        \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1cm,y=1cm]
            % Grid
            \draw [color=cqcqcq,, xstep=1cm,ystep=1cm] (-6,-2) grid (9,4); (11.566219733339873,8.525002520591164);
            % Whole circle
            \draw [line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.12] (-3,1) circle (2cm);
            % Quarter circle
            \draw [shift={(3,0)},line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.12]  (0,0) --  plot[domain=1.5707963267948966:3.141592653589793,variable=\t]({1*3*cos(\t r)+0*3*sin(\t r)},{0*3*cos(\t r)+1*3*sin(\t r)}) -- cycle ;
            % 3e figure
            \draw [line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq] (4,1)-- (4,3);
            \draw [line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq] (4,3)-- (8,3);
            \draw [line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq] (8,3)-- (8,1);
            \draw [shift={(6,1)},line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq]  plot[domain=0:3.141592653589793,variable=\t]({1*2*cos(\t r)+0*2*sin(\t r)},{0*2*cos(\t r)+1*2*sin(\t r)});
            \draw [line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq] (4,1)-- (4,3);
            \draw [line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq] (4,3)-- (8,3);
            \draw [line width=.8pt,color=zzttqq] (8,3)-- (8,1);
            % Vector
            \draw [line width=.8pt, latex-latex] (-1,3)-- (0,3);
            \draw (-1.,3.8) node[anchor=north west] {$\mathbf{15 \ mm}$};
            % Centers
            \draw [fill=black] (-3,1) circle (1pt);
            \draw[color=black] (-2.8359128474830912,1.271089406461309) node {$C_{1}$};
            \draw [fill=black] (3,0) circle (1pt);
            \draw[color=black] (3.1,-0.3) node {$C_{2}$};
            \draw [fill=black] (6,1) circle (1pt);
            \draw[color=black] (5.774154770848989,0.850353117956426) node {$C_{3}$};

3 Answers 3


Instead of tracing each segment and arc one by one, you can simply define a path that defines the outline of each figure.

% 3e figure
            \draw [line width=.8pt,remplissage] (4,1)-- (4,3)-- (8,3)-- (8,1) arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,radius=2];

I've added a style to avoid code repetition.

\tikzset{remplissage/.style={color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.12}} 

Complete code:



\tikzset{remplissage/.style={color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.12}}
        \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1cm,y=1cm]
            % Grid
            \draw [color=cqcqcq,, xstep=1cm,ystep=1cm] (-6,-2) grid (9,4); (11.566219733339873,8.525002520591164);
            % Whole circle
            \draw [line width=.8pt,remplissage] (-3,1) circle (2cm);
            % Quarter circle
            \draw [line width=.8pt,remplissage]  (3,0) --++(0,3)arc[start angle=90,end angle=180,radius=3]   -- cycle ;
            % 3e figure
            \draw [line width=.8pt,remplissage] (4,1)-- (4,3)-- (8,3)-- (8,1) arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,radius=2];

            % Vector
            \draw [line width=.8pt, latex-latex] (-1,3)-- (0,3);
            \draw (-1.,3.8) node[anchor=north west] {$\mathbf{15 \ mm}$};
            % Centers
            \draw [fill=black] (-3,1) circle (1pt);
            \draw[color=black] (-2.8359128474830912,1.271089406461309) node {$C_{1}$};
            \draw [fill=black] (3,0) circle (1pt);
            \draw[color=black] (3.1,-0.3) node {$C_{2}$};
            \draw [fill=black] (6,1) circle (1pt);
            \draw[color=black] (5.774154770848989,0.850353117956426) node {$C_{3}$};

enter image description here


Geogebra figures can be exported to TikZ or Asymptote codes. However, it is much better to code directly with TikZ or Asymptote.

TikZ enter image description here

\begin{tikzpicture}[mydot/.style={circle,fill=black,inner sep=1pt}]
\draw[gray!30] (-3,-3) grid (12,3);
\draw[<->,thick] (2,2)--(3,2) node[scale=.8,above=2mm,midway]{$15$ mm};
\draw[red,fill=yellow,fill opacity=.5]
(0,0) node[mydot]{} node[above,black]{$C_1$} circle(2)
(6,-1) node[mydot]{} node[below right,black]{$C_2$}--+(0,3) arc(90:180:3)--cycle
(11,0) arc(0:180:2)--+(0,2)-|cycle
(9,0) node[mydot]{} node[below,black,fill=white]{$C_3$}


enter image description here

// http://asymptote.ualberta.ca/
import math;

// grid and a label
draw(scale(.8)*"$15$ mm",align=2N,(2,2)--(3,2),Arrows);

// starting points and pens
pair C1=(0,0),C2=(6,-1),C3=(9,0);
pen p=brown;
pen q=p+opacity(.1);

// 3 pics with dots



I propose the AndréC's code (and results!) whithout the heaviness of colors code (from GeoGebra). More I use tikz in place of pgfplots.




\tikzset{remplissage/.style={orange!90,fill=orange!80,fill opacity=0.12}}
        \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1cm,y=1cm]
            % Grid
            \draw [gray!20, xstep=1cm,ystep=1cm] (-6,-2) grid (9,4);
            % Whole circle
            \draw [line width=.8pt,remplissage] (-3,1) circle (2cm);
            % Quarter circle
            \draw [line width=.8pt,remplissage]  (3,0) --++(0,3)arc[start angle=90,end angle=180,radius=3]   -- cycle ;
            % 3e figure
            \draw [line width=.8pt,remplissage] (4,1)-- (4,3)-- (8,3)-- (8,1) arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,radius=2];

            % Vector
            \draw [line width=.8pt, latex-latex] (-1,3)-- (0,3);
            \draw (-1.,3.8) node[anchor=north west] {$\mathbf{15 \ mm}$};
            % Centers
            \draw [fill=black] (-3,1) circle (1pt) node[above] {$C_{1}$};
            \draw [fill=black] (3,0) circle (1pt) node[below] {$C_{2}$};
            \draw [fill=black] (6,1) circle (1pt) node[below] {$C_{3}$};

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