I am trying to draw a double line with different color by tikzpicture like this:

    \draw[red] (0, 0 + .01) -- (1, 0 + .01);
    \draw[blue] (0, 0 - .01) -- (1, 0 - .01);

However, it is annoying to calculate the coordinate by myself for each time. Thus is there a way to write a macro for this like:




2 Answers 2


The my pen has an argument that indicates the distance of overvaluation in relation to the initial path, which is not drawn.


\tikzset{my pen/.style={
        execute at begin to={\def\hauteur{#1}
        \draw[red] ($(\tikztostart)!\hauteur!90:(\tikztotarget)$) -- ($(\tikztotarget)!\hauteur!-90:(\tikztostart)$);},
        execute at begin to={\draw[blue] ($(\tikztostart)!\hauteur!-90:(\tikztotarget)$) --    ($(\tikztotarget)!\hauteur!90:(\tikztostart)$);},

    \draw[my pen=3mm] (0, 1) to (5,2);
    \draw[my pen=1mm] (0, 0) to (5,0);

enter image description here


Like that:


linea_roja/.style = {draw=red, thick = 1pt},
linea_azul/.style = {draw=blue, thick = 1pt}}

        \draw[linea_roja] (0,0.1) -- (5,0.1) + (2pt,0);
        \draw[linea_azul] (0,0) -- (5,0) + (2pt,0);

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