
Hi. I define a counter, say, no for my customized commands, such as

\newcommand{\df}{\normalfont{\textbf{Definition \no}}\;}

Now I would like the equation counter (\theequation) follows the customized counter \thno.

How I use customized counter and what I expect

For example,

\chapter{A chapter}
\item[] \df This is some definition.

some equation.

I expect the result would be

Definition 1.1 This is some definition.

                                    some equation.                                 (1.2)

What I've tried

  1. I've tried


    but \theequation does not update in equation environment; the temporary remedy for using equation environment is

    \addtocounter{no}{1}   % update the counter

    but that is annoying.

  2. Since the customized counter no is NOT used for new environment, remedy using \newtheorem does not fit for me.

  3. I've tried




    but they all give the error message: ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [save size=200000].

  • By the way, I also wish that the counter of align can follow the customized counter no so that the numbering of no, equation, and algin are consecutive.

Could anyone help? Thanks.


2 Answers 2


You just want to use equation.




\newcommand{\df}{\textbf{Definition \no}\enspace\ignorespaces}


\chapter{A chapter}

\df This is some definition.
some equation.


Note that \normalfont is not a command taking an argument like \textbf. Anyway, I'm not sure why not using standard tools such as \newtheorem.

enter image description here

Better code, in my opinion:






\chapter{A chapter}

This is some definition.
some equation.


Is this what you want?

enter image description here







  a & = b \\
    & = c
  • Hi. Thanks for replying. The numbering, yes. But the definition is not in environment.
    – HRC
    Commented May 15 at 5:58

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