I created a tikz graph. There are still some unwanted lines. I get error messages when I delete them. Any recommendations?
\tikzset{every shadow/.style={shadow xshift=5pt,shadow yshift=-5pt}}
% starting point: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/341454/121799
for tree={
line width=1pt,
child anchor=north,
parent anchor=south,
edge path={
\noexpand\path[line width=1pt, \forestoption{edge}]
(!u.parent anchor) |- ([yshift=4pt].child anchor) -- (.child anchor) \forestoption{edge label};
s sep+=20pt,
[Strong Diabatic Heating,drop shadow,
[Synoptic-Scale\\ Dynamics
[Thermodynamic Equation]
[PV Equation]
[Continuity Equation
[Averaged Horizontal \\ Momentum Equation ]
[Hydrostatic Balance \\ Equation]
[Mesoscale\\ Dynamics
[Thermodynamic\\ Equation
[Vorticity\\ Equation]
[Continuity Equation
[Hydrostatic Balance \\ Equation]
[Mesoscale Horizontal \\Divergence Equation]
\begin{scope}[line width=1pt]
\foreach \X in {1,...,4}
{\draw (phantom\X.north) -- (phantom\X.south);}
EDIT: This is an example output. The lines belonged to additional boxed. I would like to remove them but I get an error message.
Missing $ inserted.
. You can't use\epsilon
in text mode. Make sure allO(\epsilon^n)
expressions are between$...$
(it's not the case for the first two).