I created a table that is placed next to some text:



\newcolumntype{P}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % Table Scaling Ansatz

    \caption{Scaling Ansatz}
        \multicolumn{8}{c}{} \\
        & \textbf{Horiz. scale} & \textbf{x} & \textbf{y} & \textbf{Temp. scale} & \textbf{t} & \textbf{Vert. scale} & \textbf{z} \\
        Non-dimens. & $h_{\text{sc}}\sim\qty{11}{km}$ & $x$ & $y$ & $t_{\text{ref}}\sim\qty{15}{min}$ & $t$ & $h_{\text{sc}}\sim\qty{11}{km}$ & $z$\\
        Mesoscale & $L_{\text{meso}}\sim\qty{150}{km}$ & $x_{\text{m}}=\epsilon\,x$ & $y_{\text{m}}=\epsilon\,y$ & $T_{\text{meso}}\sim\qty{3.5}{h}$ & $t_{\text{m}}=\epsilon\,t$ & $h_{\text{sc}}\sim\qty{11}{km}$ & $z$ \\
        Synoptic Scale & $L_{\text{syn}}\sim\qty{1100}{km}$ & $x_{\text{s}}=\epsilon^2\,x$ & $y_{\text{s}}=\epsilon^2\,y$ & $T_{\text{syn}}\sim\qty{1}{d}$ & $t_{\text{s}}=\epsilon^2\,t$ & $h_{\text{sc}}\sim\qty{11}{km}$ & $z$ \\

The question: How can I left-align \section{B}?

  • It works if you replace \newpage with \clearpage.
    – jlab
    Commented May 30 at 10:33
  • \begin{wraptable}[40]{l}{5.5cm} should do the trick. As an alternative, you may want to consider transposing the table in order to avoid the hassle with rotating the table and wrapping text around it.
    – leandriis
    Commented May 30 at 10:33


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