I am utilising rmarkdown to create some PDF handouts for a therapy group. Tufte handout is working brilliantly and I can combine markdown and some latex elements, this all is very well. My main tool is Rstudio with tinytex and pandoc installed.
What I need is how to create a custom front page (only that) for this set of handouts. I would like to show author, title and publisher on the front page and include an image in the page as well, if that is possible, say with \includegraphics
. I know I could make a custom page in "Microsoft Publisher", but I would not like to do that in the project as it would be different aesthetics and cumbersome to maintain.
What compiles so far:
title: "MBT-i Group"
author: "Author"
publisher: "Publisher"
documentclass: tufte
number_sections: false
knit: (function(inputFile, encoding) {
rmarkdown::render(inputFile, encoding = encoding, output_dir = "pdf-output") })
Tt compiles into a single page PDF, but only gives a page with Author and Title. Publisher information is not there and I do not know why. In addition, if someone knew how to include an image on the cover page, that would be great. If it were possible to include a custom text field on the cover, it would be very nice too.