I'm with a document that has margin notes in the section titles. I have programmed a command that works if I don't load titlesec package. Here is a minimal example:


% \usepackage{titlesec} % No titlesec crap, works

    \ifoddpage {\parbox[t]{\marginparwidth}{\raggedright{\normalfont\footnotesize#2\normalfont}}}
    \else      {\parbox[t]{\marginparwidth}{\raggedleft{\normalfont\footnotesize#2\normalfont}}}

\setlength{\altura}{\heightof{{\Large C}}}

\section[Uno]{One\marginnote{Test text}}


\section[Dos]{Two \margen{Another secion note}}



%{Four \margen[-\altura]{Fourth note \\and a little more text}} %  One of the tests modifying the height.
% With the configuration of this file, it does not work.
{Four \margen{Fourth note \\and a little more text}}



The problem is that when I activate titlesec, an extra vertical space appears, I don't know where it comes from. I've been testing with marginnote's loading parameters, but it means having to insert vertical elements for the correct alignment. Another solution I was considering, is to force a vertical movement, but I can't find a convenient way to know the size of the extra space included in titlesec.

I would be happy to receive any solution, suggestion or hint to solve this.

Best regards.


This is the correct alignment form:

Correct way

And this is the wrong way, when titlesec is loaded:

wrong way

  • Shouldn't it be \iffoddpage in which case the code does not compile. What exactly is that off page suppose to do? There are way too many } in that macro
    – daleif
    Commented Jun 27 at 11:02
  • @daleif, You' re right, there was a mistake when copying the code. I've added some screenshots showing the correct and the incorrect alignment
    – carlosv
    Commented Jun 27 at 11:52
  • There is no a4 option. It's a4paper.
    – egreg
    Commented Jun 27 at 12:56

1 Answer 1


With titlesec you need to raise by the \baselineskip.


\usepackage{titlesec} % No titlesec crap, works




\section[Uno]{\margen{Test text}One}


\section[Dos]{\margen{Another secion note}Two}



{Four \margen{Fourth note \\and a little more text}}
With the configuration of this file, it does not work.


I simplified the code. Of course, the margin notes go in the outer margin.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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