I am using Zotero to create my bibliography in the file references.bib.

I want to use the IEEE style where the author's name is abbreviated. Now I have one bibentry where I want to cite "The MathWorks Inc." as an author. For this, I entered "The MathWorks Inc." as last name in Zotero and leave the first name field empty.

The resulting references.bib file looks like this:

title = {Title},
author = {Lastname, Firstname},
    title = {{MATLAB}},
    author = {The MathWorks Inc.},


\usepackage[backend=biber, bibstyle=ieee]{biblatex}




Here comes the problem: the entry for "The MathWorks Inc." is still interpreted as last name "Inc." and first name "The MathWorks". The resulting bibliography entry's author is "T. M. Inc.".

enter image description here

Some solutions I found solve this by modifying the references file (1, 2), but I want to still be able to update my references.bib file through Zotero, without having to change it every time. I also tried to add special characters in Zotero, but they get "translated" into latex commands. Is there any quick solution?

  • 2
    use an additional pair of braces: author = {{The MathWorks Inc.}}, Commented Jul 3 at 21:30

1 Answer 1


As Ulrike Fischer wrote in the comments, author = {The MathWorks Inc.}, is simply not acceptable input here if you don't want the name to be treated like the name of a person that is split into family and given names, you need to "protect" the name with curly braces in the .bib file.

author = {{The MathWorks Inc.}},

See also Using a 'corporate author' in the "author" field of a bibliographic entry (spelling out the name in full).

In Zotero you need to switch the name to "single-field mode" when you enter corporate authors (there is a small icon to the right of the name). This should then export the name to .bib correctly. See https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/name_parsing#field_mode.

  • 1
    I found this youtube video showing the process of switching the field mode: youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5b-Ls6QUw
    – moewe
    Commented Jul 4 at 7:11
  • Just one click in Zotero was what I was needed. Thank you very much! Commented Jul 4 at 9:36

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