I'm using \newgeometry
to adjust the margins temporarily so that my figure fits the page. After the figure, I use \restoregeometry
to revert to the original margins.
\usepackage[lmargin=1.3in, rmargin=1in, tmargin=1in, bmargin=1in]{geometry}
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, intersections, calc, positioning, arrows.meta, backgrounds, quotes, ext.positioning-plus, ext.paths.ortho, graphs}
\newgeometry{lmargin=0.1in, rmargin=0.1in, tmargin=0.4in, bmargin=1in}
node distance=.4cm and 1.2cm,
>=Latex, thick,
adjust matrix area/.style args={#1#2#3}{
insert path={([shift={(#1.25em,#2.25em)}]#3)}},
singleline box/.style={minimum width=+7em, text depth=+.1\baselineskip},
multiline box/.style={singleline box, minimum height=+4em, align=center},
gray box/.style={draw, fill=gray!10},
blue box/.style={draw, fill=black, text=white, multiline box},
magenta box/.style={draw, fill=cyan!80!blue, text=white, singleline box},
every outer matrix/.append style={inner sep=+.3em},
transform shape
\matrix[gray box] (cp) {
\tikzset{name prefix=cp+}
\path[nodes=blue box]
node(Design) {Design}
node[right=of Design] (Fabric) {Fabrication}
node[right=of Fabric] (Assemb) {Assembly,\\Testing, and\\Packaging};
\path[nodes=magenta box]
node[above=of Design] (Fables) {\textbf{Fabless}}
node[above=of Fabric] (Foundr) {\textbf{Foundry}}
node[above=of Assemb] (OSAT) {\textbf{OSAT}}
node[above=of -(Fables)(OSAT)] (IDM) {\textbf{Integrated Device Manufacturer}};
\node[above=.5:of IDM] (cp) {\textbf{Chip Production}}
[adjust matrix area/.list={--Design.south west, +-Assemb.south east}];
\matrix[gray box, below=of cp] (icp) {
\tikzset{name prefix=icp+}
\path[nodes=blue box]
node (EDAC) {Electronic\\Design\\Automation and\\Core IP}
node[right=of EDAC] (SME) {Semiconductor\\Manufacturing\\Equipment}
node[right=of SME] (Matr) {Materials};
\node[below=.5:of SME] (icp) {\textbf{Inputs to Chip Production}}
[adjust matrix area/.list={-+EDAC.north west, ++Matr.north east}];
\coordinate (cpicp-west) at ($(cp.south west)!.5!(icp.north west)$)
coordinate (cpicp-east) at ($(cp.south east)!.5!(icp.north east)$);
\node[left =of cpicp-west, blue box, font=\Large] (RandD) {\textbf{R\&D}};
\node[right=of cpicp-east, gray box, multiline box, font=\Large] (EndUse) {\textbf{End Use}};
\graph[use existing nodes, /tikz/ortho/install shortcuts]{
cp+Design -> cp+Fabric -> cp+Assemb ->[-|] EndUse,
icp+EDAC -> cp+Design,
icp+SME -> {cp+Fabric, cp+Assemb, icp+Matr},
icp+Matr -> {cp+Fabric, cp+Assemb},
RandD ->[|-] {cp, icp}
\caption{Flowchart of the semiconductor industry}
I need to write some text right below the figure
I'm encountering two problems:
- I cannot write text right below the figure, even when there is still some space.
- The font style changes after using