By using nice threads e.g. this and this we find out how the method could be visible in a text. I did the following MWE to do it again:
\cs_undefine:N \c_one
\int_const:Nn \c_one { 1 }
\setmathfont[Scale=0.85]{Latin Modern Math}
\setmathfont{Cambria Math}[range={\int}, Scale=MatchUppercase ]
\newcommand{\rn}[2]{%% "rn": "remember node"
\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base)]\node [inner sep=0] (#1){$#2$};}
\int t^2\sin tdt&=~~{\footnotesize\begin{matrix}
\rn{11}{t^2~} & \vrule& \sin tdt&&\\
\rn{21}{2t~} & \vrule& \rn{23}{~-\cos t~~}&&\rn{24}{~}\\
\rn{31}{2~} & \vrule& \rn{33}{-\sin t~~}&&\hspace*{-0.2cm}\rn{34}{{\oplus}}\\
0 & \vrule& \rn{43}{\cos t~}&&\hspace*{-0.2cm}\rn{44}{\ominus}\\
& & &&\hspace*{-0.2cm}\rn{54}{\oplus}
t^2(-\cos t)+2t\sin t +\cos t\\
&=-t^2\cos t+2t\sin t +\cos t.
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw [-stealth,line width=4pt, gray!35, opacity=0.6] (21) -- (44) ;
\draw [-stealth,line width=4pt, gray!35, opacity=0.6] (31) -- (54) ;
\draw [-stealth,line width=4pt, gray!35, opacity=0.6] (11) -- (34) ;
How to make the functions bring forward so that the arrows will be back of them? Play with 'opacity' did not work as I had expected! Thanks for any help!
which allows to do that very easily.