I want to rotate the \multimap command by 180 degrees. I tried:


Everything works fine until I use \rotmultimap in a subscript or superscript environment. TeX does not adjust (that is decrease) the size of \rotmultimap as it does for \multimap. How do I fix this?


1 Answer 1


I guess instead of rotating the symbol you just want to reflect it:



\newcommand*{\multimapinv}{\mathbin{\mathpalette\multimap@inv\relax}}% sure about \mathbin?

$a \multimap b \multimapinv c$\par
$\scriptstyle a \multimap b \multimapinv c$\par
$\scriptscriptstyle a \multimap b \multimapinv c$

enter image description here

(Are you sure about \mathbin? \multimap is a \mathrel.)

On the other hand, some fonts (e.g. newtx, newpx) have the symbol already as \multimapinv.

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