I have the following forest:
\tikzset{every label/.style = {font=\footnotesize, text=red,
inner sep=1pt }}
for tree = {
s sep=5mm,
l sep=5mm,
[{(5,5,6)}, label=right:{(1,2)}
[{(4,4,4)}, label=left:{(0,0)}
[{(2,3,3)}, label=left:{(2,2)}, name=c
[{(1,1,2)}, label=left:{(1,0)}, name = d
[{(0,0,0)}, label=below:{(0,1)}]
[{(3,4,5)}, label=right:{(0,1)}, name=f
[{(2,2,4)}, label=below:{(2,2)}, name = g]
[{(1,3,4)}, label=right:{(1,0)}
[{(0,2,2)}, label=below:{(0,1)}, name = h]
[{(0,1,3)}, label=below:{(0,1)}, name = j]
\draw[thick, -Latex] (f) -- (c);
\draw[thick, -Latex] (c) -- (h);
\draw[thick, -Latex] (g) -- (d);
\draw[thick, -Latex] (g) -- (j);
Now I need to add a few more nodes to the left from the forest. In particular, I want a node (5, 5, 5) to the left from (4, 4, 4) (at the same level) from which there would be 2 arcs: a left one to a new node (1, 1,1) and right one to the existing node (2, 3, 3).
I know how to connect nodes by adding names, so I believe adding arc from (5, 5, 5) to (2, 3, 3) is not an issue, but I don't know how to add these new nodes (5, 5, 5) and (1, 1,1) to the existing forest.