Consider the code:
\usepackage{pgfornament, tikzpagenodes}
\begin{tikzfadingfrompicture}[name=myborder, color=transparent!0, inner sep=0.6cm]
\node[below right] at (current page text area.north west) {\pgfornament[width=2cm]{63}};
\node[below left ] at (current page text area.north east) {\pgfornament[width=2cm, symmetry=v]{63}};
\node[above right] at (current page text area.south west) {\pgfornament[width=2cm, symmetry=h]{63}};
\node[above left ] at (current page text area.south east) {\pgfornament[width=2cm, symmetry=c]{63}};
\begin{tikzfadingfrompicture}[name=mytext, color=transparent!0]
\node (n) at (current page text area) {\scalebox{1.00}{Everything is fine!}};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
\fill[gold] (current page text area.south west) rectangle (current page text area.north east);
\fill[path fading=myborder, fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, transform canvas={xshift=1pt, yshift=-1pt}] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
\fill[path fading=myborder, fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, ball color=gold] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
\fill[path fading=mytext , fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, transform canvas={yshift=-1.35pt}] (n.south west) rectangle (n.north east);
\fill[path fading=mytext , fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, ball color=gold] (n.south west) rectangle (n.north east);
which produces
However, now I would like to increase the width of the picture (on the right) 0.25in.
So, I replace \usepackage[hmargin=0in,vmargin=0in,right=0in,paperwidth=4in,paperheight=2.15in]{geometry}
by \usepackage[hmargin=0in,vmargin=0in,right=0.25in,paperwidth=4in,paperheight=2.15in]{geometry}
And now I run the code:
\usepackage{pgfornament, tikzpagenodes}
\begin{tikzfadingfrompicture}[name=myborder, color=transparent!0, inner sep=0.6cm]
\node[below right] at (current page text area.north west) {\pgfornament[width=2cm]{63}};
\node[below left ] at (current page text area.north east) {\pgfornament[width=2cm, symmetry=v]{63}};
\node[above right] at (current page text area.south west) {\pgfornament[width=2cm, symmetry=h]{63}};
\node[above left ] at (current page text area.south east) {\pgfornament[width=2cm, symmetry=c]{63}};
\begin{tikzfadingfrompicture}[name=mytext, color=transparent!0]
\node (n) at (current page text area) {\scalebox{1.00}{Everything is not fine!}};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
\fill[gold] (current page text area.south west) rectangle (current page text area.north east);
\fill[path fading=myborder, fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, transform canvas={xshift=1pt, yshift=-1pt}] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
\fill[path fading=myborder, fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, ball color=gold] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
\fill[path fading=mytext , fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, transform canvas={yshift=-1.35pt}] (n.south west) rectangle (n.north east);
\fill[path fading=mytext , fit fading=false, fading transform={shift=(current}, ball color=gold] (n.south west) rectangle (n.north east);
which gives:
Notice that the "E" in "Everything" is somewhat cut off; the width on both the left and the right side of the image is uniformily increased; and there is a white gap (presumably of width 0.25in) on the right.
QUESTION: What caused the cutting off of part of the letter "E" and how do I fix it? And, how do I increase the width of the original picture 0.25in on the RIGHT SIDE only and have it colored gold (not white)?
I compile with xelatex
Thank you.