So i wanted to create a table with fixed width & height filling the whole page (10cm x 10cm) and decided to use tikz (i have absolutely no experience in latex so i thought an svg-like solution would be simpler for me). The code looks like this:
\usepackage[paperheight=10cm, paperwidth=10cm, left=-5.47mm, right=0mm, top=0mm, bottom=0mm]{geometry}
\foreach \y in {1,...,11}
\draw[thick] (0, \y * 10 / 11.04) -- (10, \y * 10 / 11.04);
%Horizontal line nr1
\draw[thick] (0, 0.011) -- (10, 0.011);
%Horizontal lines nr2-nr12
%Vertical lines
\draw[thick] (0.020, 0) -- (0.020, 9.97);
\draw[thick] (2.500, 0) -- (2.500, 9.97);
\draw[thick] (5.000, 0) -- (5.000, 9.97);
\draw[thick] (7.500, 0) -- (7.500, 9.97);
\draw[thick] (9.984, 0) -- (9.984, 9.97);
And the result is this
Each cell should contain either an image or a text (all of them have fixed lengths/sizes)
supposed to achieve?