I have the following code in Overleaf (Please excuse the \hspace{} filler):

\documentclass[margin=3mm, varwidth]{standalone}
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={minimum width=2em,draw,circle},
         edge from parent/.style=
         {draw,edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode) -- (\tikzchildnode)}},
         level distance=1.5cm}

                    [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                    [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                        [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                        [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                    [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
    \caption{A simple tree.}

Which provides the following tree where nodes are circles without text (and is structurally correct):

correct structure

However, I would like to fill the circles of individual (chosen) nodes with different colours. Is this possible with qtree, or do I need to move to an alternative like forest?

  • 1
    please add a document class so your example can be compiled.
    – cfr
    Commented Aug 15 at 3:55

1 Answer 1


Like this?

enter image description here

For content of vertices use \node[fill=<desired color>] {} where in {} you can insert some text:

\documentclass[margin=3mm, varwidth]{standalone}
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={minimum width=2em,draw,circle},
         edge from parent/.style=
         {draw,edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode) -- (\tikzchildnode)}},
         level distance=1.5cm}

                [.\node[fill=green] {};    
                    [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                    [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                [.\node[fill=red] {};  
                        [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                        [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
                    [.\hspace{0.01cm} ]
    \caption{A simple tree.}

The same result you but with a bit simpler code you can get by use of the `forest package:

\documentclass[margin=3mm, varwidth]{standalone}

for tree = {circle, draw, minimum size=5mm, inner sep=0pt,
            l sep=7mm, 
            s sep=3mm
    [ ,fill=green
        [   ]
        [   ]
    [ ,fill=red
    \caption{A simple tree.}

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