I am creating a circuit diagram using LaTeX and Circuitikz, but I'm having trouble aligning two LEDs vertically. I want both LEDs to be at the same x-position to ensure they are vertically aligned.

My Output:

In the output, the green and red LEDs are not vertically aligned as shown in the screenshot below:

enter image description here

My Desired Output:

I would like the green and red LEDs to be vertically aligned, as shown in the desired output below:

enter image description here

My Code:


\usepackage[emptydiode]{circuitikz} % For an empty diode symbol


    % define saved anchor
    % ----------------------------------------
    % define Connectors relative to the center
    % ----------------------------------------
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinA}]{ \texttt{A0}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinB}]{ \texttt{G}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinC}]{ \texttt{VV}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinD}]{ \texttt{S3}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinE}]{ \texttt{S2}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinF}]{ \texttt{S1}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinG}]{ \texttt{SC}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinH}]{ \texttt{S0}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinI}]{ \texttt{SK}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinJ}]{ \texttt{G}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinK}]{ \texttt{3V}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinL}]{ \texttt{EN}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinM}]{ \texttt{RST}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinN}]{ \texttt{G}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinO}]{ \texttt{VIN}}
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinAA}]{\texttt{D0} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinBB}]{\texttt{D1} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinCC}]{\texttt{D2} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinDD}]{\texttt{D3} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinEE}]{\texttt{D4} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinFF}]{\texttt{3V} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinGG}]{\texttt{G} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinHH}]{\texttt{D5} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinII}]{\texttt{D6} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinJJ}]{\texttt{D7} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinKK}]{\texttt{D8} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinLL}]{\texttt{RX} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinMM}]{\texttt{TX} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinNN}]{\texttt{G} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinOO}]{\texttt{3V} }
        % my static label
        \pgftext[center, at={\pgfpoint{0}{109}}]{\small\textcolor{black}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/mm/myLabel}}}

        \draw (0,0) node[ESPuC, /mm/myLabel=ESP8266] (esp) {};
        \draw[blue] (esp.PinNN) -- ++(6,0);
        \draw[red] (esp.PinOO) -- ++(6,0);
        \draw (esp.PinII) to [R, l=$330\Omega$] ++(2,0) to  [fill=red, led, l=LED] ++(2,0) 
        -- ++(0,-2) coordinate (kathode)
        -- (esp.PinNN -| kathode) node[ground, blue, circ]{};
        \draw (esp.PinCC) to [R, l=$330\Omega$] ++(2,0) to  [fill=green, led, l=LED] ++(3,0) 
        -- ++(0,-2) coordinate (kathode)
        -- (esp.PinNN -| kathode) node[ground, blue, circ]{};

1 Answer 1


That both diode be parallel, they should be drawn in the paths of the same lengths:

\usepackage[emptydiode]{circuitikz} % For an empty diode symbol


    % define saved anchor
    % ----------------------------------------
    % define Connectors relative to the center
    % ----------------------------------------
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinA}]{ \texttt{A0}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinB}]{ \texttt{G}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinC}]{ \texttt{VV}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinD}]{ \texttt{S3}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinE}]{ \texttt{S2}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinF}]{ \texttt{S1}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinG}]{ \texttt{SC}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinH}]{ \texttt{S0}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinI}]{ \texttt{SK}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinJ}]{ \texttt{G}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinK}]{ \texttt{3V}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinL}]{ \texttt{EN}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinM}]{ \texttt{RST}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinN}]{ \texttt{G}}
        \pgftext[left,  at={\myICpinO}]{ \texttt{VIN}}
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinAA}]{\texttt{D0} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinBB}]{\texttt{D1} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinCC}]{\texttt{D2} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinDD}]{\texttt{D3} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinEE}]{\texttt{D4} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinFF}]{\texttt{3V} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinGG}]{\texttt{G} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinHH}]{\texttt{D5} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinII}]{\texttt{D6} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinJJ}]{\texttt{D7} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinKK}]{\texttt{D8} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinLL}]{\texttt{RX} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinMM}]{\texttt{TX} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinNN}]{\texttt{G} }
        \pgftext[right,  at={\myICpinOO}]{\texttt{3V} }
        % my static label
        \pgftext[center, at={\pgfpoint{0}{109}}]{\small\textcolor{black}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/mm/myLabel}}}

        \draw (0,0) node[ESPuC, /mm/myLabel=ESP8266] (esp) {};
        \draw[blue] (esp.PinNN) -- ++(6,0);
        \draw[red] (esp.PinOO) -- ++(6,0);
        \draw (esp.PinII) to [R, l=$330\Omega$] ++(2,0) to  [fill=red, led, l=LED] ++(2,0)
        -- ++(0,-2) coordinate (kathode)
        -- (esp.PinNN -| kathode) node[ground, blue, circ]{};
        \draw (esp.PinCC) to [R, l=$330\Omega$] ++(2,0) to  [fill=green, led, l=LED] ++(2,0)    % <--- 
        -- ++(1,0)  coordinate (kathode)                                                        % <---
        -- (esp.PinNN -| kathode) node[ground, blue, circ]{};

Ups, I forgot to upload image of sheme ... Now added:

enter image description here

I wonder if circuitikz doesn't offer shorter way to define Integrated circuits shapes.

Addendum: Off-topic.
In original answer I wonder if exist shorter/simpler way to draw your sheme. With kind help of @rmano (circuitikz package coauthor; thank you very much!) below I wrote MWE with a suggestion, how can you write code for your sheme much more efficiently:


                         muxdemux def={Lh=15, NL=15, Rh=15, NR=15, w=4, NT=0, NB=0}, 
                         muxdemux label={L1=A0, L2=G,  L3=VV, L4=S3, L5=S2, L6=S1, L7=SC, L8=S0, L9=SK, L10=G, L11=3V, L12=EN, L13=RST, L14=G, L15=VIN, 
                                         R1=D0, R2=D1, R3=D2, R4=D3, R5=D4, R6=3V, R7=G,  R8=D5, R9=D6, R10=D7, R11=D8, R12=RX, R13=TX, R14=G, R15=3V, N=ESP8266}, 
                         }% end of style definition
        }% end of tikzset    
\node[ESP8266]  (esp) {};
\draw[blue]     (esp.rpin 14) -- ++ (6,0);
\draw[red]      (esp.rpin 15) -- ++ (6,0);

\draw           (esp.rpin 3)    to [R=330<\ohm>]            ++ (2,0) 
                                to [led=LED, fill=green]    ++ (2,0)
                                -- ++ (1,0)                             coordinate (kathode)
                                to [short, -*] (esp.rpin 14 -| kathode)
                (esp.rpin 9)    to [R=330<\ohm>]            ++ (2,0)
                                to [led=LED, fill=red]      ++ (2,0)    coordinate (kathode) 
                                to [short, -*] (esp.rpin 14 -| kathode)

which produce very similar (and to my opinion more correct) result as your code:

enter image description here

  • 1
    yes, you can use the muxdemux shape with custom labels.
    – Rmano
    Commented Aug 15 at 11:48
  • @Rmano, you are right! Since I'm on vacation I was to lazy to check the package documentation ... 😉
    – Zarko
    Commented Aug 15 at 12:27
  • This is it (also on vacation, but ...): ` \tikzset{ESP8266/.style={muxdemux, muxdemux def={Lh=15, NL=15, Rh=15, NR=15, w=4, NT=0, NB=0}, muxdemux label={ L1=A0, L2=G, L3=VV, L4=S3, L5=S2, L6=S1, L7=SC, L8=S0, L9=SK, L10=G, L11=3V, L12=EN, L13=RST, L14=G, L15=VIN, R1=D0, R2=D1, R3=D2, R4=D3, R5=D4, R6=3V, R7=G, R8=D5, R9=D6, R10=D7, R11=D8, R12=RX, R13=TX, R14=G, R15=3V, N=ESP8266 }, }}`
    – Rmano
    Commented Aug 15 at 13:27
  • @Rmano, thank you very much! I will give a shot later ... now I'm middle of preparation fo a BBQ for my family (it is planned to last to late evening when is not so hot anymore).
    – Zarko
    Commented Aug 15 at 15:15
  • 1
    @Rmano, I succeed to wrote addendum to my answer with your proposal how to write a code for integrated circuit. Thank you very much!
    – Zarko
    Commented Aug 16 at 7:38

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