I'm trying to cite this research paper. However, it seems that this research paper does not possess a volume number. Therefore, when I try to cite this paper in my paper using latex, there is an annoying comma before the pages.

enter image description here

How can I eliminate this comma? The ideal effect will be the following which I found in one published research paper:

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Technically, the 2300218 number is not a page number, but an electronic identifier (the eid field). Despite the journal's own citation guidelines categorising this number as a page number, this classification is completely wrong.

You may customise the \bibeidpunct punctuation command for delimitation.

    \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{volume}}%
                test {\iffieldundef{number}}}%

However, I think it would be better to customise the volume+number+eid macro. So, instead of change the \bibeidpunct command, change that macro:

    \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{volume}}%
                test {\iffieldundef{number}}}%
  • 1
    Of course, I'm assuming you're using the biblatex package. I posted a response without waiting for confirmation, because it's important to establish that the 2300218 number doesn't correspond to the page number, but rather to the EID. Commented Sep 5 at 9:31

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