I am trying to set a document similar to the formatting below
Immediately below is my MWE using wrapfig
package to attain the above.
\usepackage[portrait, a5paper, hmargin=0.75in,
vmargin={0.88in, 0.94in}]{geometry}
\usepackage{amsmath, float, lettrine, pgfplots, wrapfig}
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.18, enlargelimits, axis lines=none,
xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty}
% Figure 6
axis equal=true,
xmin={\R * cos(180 - \thet)},xmax={\R * cos(\thet)},
ymin={\R * sin(\thet)},ymax={\R/sin(\thet)}]
\addplot [black,domain = {\thet}:{5*\thet}, samples=201,
] ({\R * cos(x)}, {\R * sin(x)});
\draw[-] ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 - \thet)}) -- ({\R *
cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)});
\draw[-] ({\R * cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)}) -- (0, {\R});
\draw[-] (0, {\R}) -- ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 - \thet)});
\draw[-] ({\R * cos(180 -\thet)}, {\R * sin(180 - \thet)}) -- (0,
\draw[-] (0, {\R/sin(\thet)}) -- ({\R * cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)});
\draw[-] ({\R * tan(\thet)}, {\R}) -- ({\R * tan(180 - \thet)}, {\R});
\node [anchor=north] at ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 -
\thet)}) {A};
\node [anchor=north] at (0, {\R}) {B};
\node [anchor=north] at ({\R * cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)}) {C};
\node [anchor=south] at (0, {\R / sin(\thet)}) {E};
\node [anchor=east] at ({\R * tan(180 - \thet)}, {\R}) {F};
\node [anchor=west] at ({\R * tan(\thet)}, {\R}) {G};
\lettrine[lines=1, loversize=-0.5]{\small F}{ig.} {\small 6}
II.\ $\triangle FEG > \frac{1}{2} \triangle ABC$,
where $ABC$ is the greatest triangle in the segment.
% Figure 7
\begin{axis}[axis equal=true,
xmin={\R * cos(180 - \thet)},xmax={\R * cos(\thet)},
ymin={\R * sin(\thet)},ymax={\R}]
\addplot [black, domain = {\thet}:{5*\thet}, samples=201,
] ({\R * cos(x)}, {\R * sin(x)});
\draw[-] ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 - \thet)}) -- ({\R *
cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)});
\draw[-] ({\R * cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)}) -- (0, {\R});
\draw[-] (0, {\R}) -- ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 - \thet)});
\node [anchor=north] at ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 -
\thet)}) {A};
\node [anchor=south] at (0, {\R}) {B};
\node [anchor=north] at ({\R * cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)}) {C};
\lettrine[lines=1, loversize=-0.5]{\small F}{ig.} {\small 7}
III.\ $\frac{\text{segment }ACB}{\triangle ACB} > \frac{4}{3}$, provided the
segment is less than the semi-circle.
This theorem had already been given by Hero.
% Figure 8
\begin{axis}[axis equal=true,
xmin={\R * cos(180 - \thet)},xmax={\R * cos(\thet)},
ymin={\R * sin(\thet)},ymax={\R/sin(\thet)}]
\addplot [black, domain = {\thet}:{5*\thet}, samples=201,
] ({\R * cos(x)}, {\R * sin(x)});
\draw[-] ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 - \thet)}) -- ({\R *
cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)});
\draw[-] ({\R * cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)}) -- (0, {\R/sin(\thet)});
\draw[-] (0, {\R/cos(2*\thet)}) -- ({\R * cos(180 -\thet)}, {\R *
sin(180 - \thet)});
\node [anchor=north] at ({\R * cos(180 - \thet)}, {\R * sin(180 -
\thet)}) {A};
\node [anchor=south] at (0, {\R}) {B};
\node [anchor=north] at ({\R * cos(\thet)}, {\R * sin(\thet)}) {C};
\node [anchor=south] at (0, {\R / sin(\thet)}) {T};
\lettrine[lines=1, loversize=-0.5]{\small F}{ig.} {\small 8}
IV.\ $\frac{\text{segment }ACB}{\triangle ATC} < \frac{2}{3}$.
Instead, I am having trouble with placement of figures generated. This is what I end up with the MWE.
What is the fix for this formatting? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
for this. Instead I'd use 6minipage