I'm using the array environment to give multiple definitions of some value, let's call it x. I can easily get a reference to all 3 definitions together, but I want each one to have its own reference. For now it looks like this :

    / a + b
x = | c + d    (1)
    \ e + f

And I want it to look like this :

    / a + b    (1.a)
x = | c + d    (1.b)
    \ e + f    (1.c)

I've tried combining all sorts of other packages with array and they just won't play nice. Any ideas? Here's the code I use to get the first result :

x = \left\{ \begin{array}{rl}
  & a + b \\
  & c + d \\
  & e + f
\end{array} \right.

2 Answers 2


The empheq package was made for this:

\usepackage{empheq} % autoload amsmath

  & a + b \\
  & c + d \label{eq:b}\\
  & e + f

Total group: \eqref{eq:tot}, just one: \eqref{eq:b}


The subnumcases environment from cases helps for this layout:

enter image description here

\usepackage{cases}% http://ctan.org/pkg/cases


  a + b \\
  c + d \\
  e + f


Subequation numbering can be modified using (say)

  • Thanks a lot. I knew subequations worked with align but not with arrays. I didn't realize something like numcases existed out there.
    – ticster
    Commented Sep 26, 2012 at 14:05

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