I have a custom environment called 'quiz' which puts its input into a savebox and then uses it later depending on a package option. The code works fine, unless I use an align* environment in which case I get 'Missing \endgroup inserted' errors.

Here's a minimum (non)-working example.


% Load required packages

% Define new 'quiz' environment



R_o = \int_{t=0}^{t_{max}} R(t)


Any thoughts?

  • You can't use align in a \mbox (and the same holds for lrbox) unless you embed it in a minipage.
    – egreg
    Oct 1, 2012 at 15:35

2 Answers 2


As egreg mentioned in the comments, you can fix this with a minipage.

A side comment- you might also like to look at the answers package which does similar things to what you're working on.


% Load required packages

% Define new 'quiz' environment



R_o = \int_{t=0}^{t_{max}} R(t)

  • Thanks for the answers tip. I'll use the minipage for now, but may swap to that package later.
    – jkeirstead
    Oct 1, 2012 at 15:50
  • @jkeirstead you're welcome :) I love the answers package, it's very powerful
    – cmhughes
    Oct 1, 2012 at 15:53
  • I think that this would be better: \noindent\fbox{\begin{minipage}[\quizheight]{\dimexpr\linewidth-\fboxsep-\fboxsep\relax} Oct 1, 2012 at 18:08

lrbox makes a horizontal (LR) box which can not directly contain vertical (par) mode display material, you need a minipage to get into vertical mode

R_o = \int_{t=0}^{t_{max}} R(t)

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