I'd love to exchange the "obsolete" utopia package against the fourier package for a couple of reasons. Unfortunately, the Utopia font in the fourier package renders much smaller compared to the utopia package. This looks especially bad when combined with the avant package.

Here is a (very) minimal example:


\usepackage{utopia}  % exchange for "fourier" to see the differences



\section{Section title}

Paragraph with a single \textsf{sans-serif} word.


\subsection{Subsection title}



Look for the size differences between headings and paragraphs as well as the different size of the word sans-serif in the first paragraph.

How can I enlarge the Utopia font in fourier to get rid of the problem? Or do you know of other ways to tackle the problem?

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to add the package sectsty, so the headings were printed in serifs.

  • using sectsty makes no difference to my solution with using the tex gyre fonr adventor, which is the free type 1 variant of the non free avantgarde
    – user2478
    Commented Dec 22, 2010 at 8:07
  • @Herbert: I was wondering why you recommended a quite different-looking font, only to find out that it had serifs, looked much like Utopia - and that my headings were not printed in sans-serif. So that's why I edited my question. Commented Dec 22, 2010 at 10:24

3 Answers 3




\section{Section title}

Paragraph with a single \textsf{sans-serif} word.


\subsection{Subsection title}



alt text

  • Thanks! I really like your solution, but it unfortunately only works with this special combination of fonts. What I'm really looking for is a way to enlarge Utopia, not scale AvantGarde down. :) Commented Dec 22, 2010 at 10:19
  • replace the three t1fut* files from texnik.dante.de/misc with your files, then you get a scaled fourier. In your documents preamble you can also modify the scaling with \def\fourierScale{s*[1.2]}. The result of this setting is seen in my edited answer
    – user2478
    Commented Dec 23, 2010 at 20:47

You can experiment with the \scalefont command from the scalefnt package:

\usepackage{fourier}  % exchange for "fourier" to see the differences


\section{Section title}

Paragraph with a single {\scalefont{0.8}\textsf{sans-serif }} word.


\subsection{Subsection title}



From the manual: “The widespace option offers those who find Utopia's default space too narrow a larger space between words.” So simply load the package as


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