I am writing an equaition which is too long-wide. I don't want it to split. I tried to change the fontsize within the equation enviroment but it didn't work. I am using
{\footnotesize G=centroid\cdot \frac{range[V]}{\#\,channels}\cdot\frac{W_{pair}[eV]} {E_{particle}[keV]}\cdot \frac{1}{(coarse\,gain)\cdot(fine\,gain)}\cdot \frac{10^6} {X[mV]\cdot E_{cg}[eV]}}
Is there a way to achieve that? My output is
Any ideas?
$if$ \emph{if}
, and$rs$ \emph{rs}
. Use of\text
, as in the answers below, avoids this.