I am searching for a wide hat with a right arrow. So far I've found only the regular wide hat (\widehat, shown at the left of the image), or a curved right arrow (\curvearrowright).

Wide had and wide hat with arrow

Is there a way to get something like what I have badly drawn at the right of the image?

  • Welcome to TeX.sx!. I have included your image. Soon, you will have enough reputation to do it yourself. Commented Oct 7, 2012 at 17:59

1 Answer 1


I provide two TikZ solutions.

  1. The first one uses uses an empty node before and after the formula that belongs under the wide hat.
    • Disadvantage: The added vertical height will not be taken into calculation
    • Advantage: Math style (display, text, script, scriptscript) is not effected (other then in the \vphantom.
  2. The second one is a node.
    • Disadvantage: Math style is lost. (Change the first \frac into a \tfrac to realize.)
    • Advantage: Vertical height is known to math mode.

Another disadvantage over \widehat is, that the line width doesn't change over the course of the path.



% Solution 1
\newcommand{\tikzmark}[2][]{\tikz[baseline, inner sep=0, overlay, remember picture] \node[anchor=base] (#2) {\vphantom{#1}};}

    \tikzmark[#1]{widehatarrow\thetikzmark} #1 \tikzmark[#1]{endwidehatarrow\thetikzmark}%
    \tikz[overlay, remember picture] \draw[-to] (widehatarrow\thetikzmark.north)++(.05em,.4ex) -- ($(widehatarrow\thetikzmark.north)!.5!(endwidehatarrow\thetikzmark.north)+(.05em,.8ex)$) -- ($(endwidehatarrow\thetikzmark.north)+(.05em,.4ex)$);%

% Solution 2
\tikz[baseline] {
    \node[inner sep=0, anchor=base] (widehatarrow){$#1$};
    \draw[-to] (widehatarrow.north west)++(.05em,.4ex) -- ($(widehatarrow.north west)!.5!(widehatarrow.north east)+(.05em,.8ex)$) -- ($(widehatarrow.north east)+(.05em,.4ex)$);%

\begin{equation} % Solution 1
\widehatarrow{A, B} \cdot \widehatarrow{x, y} = \widehatarrow{A, y, B, x}

\begin{equation} % Solution 2
\Widehatarrow{A, B} \cdot \Widehatarrow{x, y} = \Widehatarrow{A, y, B, x}

\begin{equation} % Compare both solutions
 \frac{1}{\widehatarrow{A, B} \cdot \Widehatarrow{A, B}} = \frac{1}{\widehatarrow{A, B} \cdot \widehatarrow{A, B}} = \frac{1}{\Widehatarrow{A, B} \cdot \Widehatarrow{A, B}}


MWE compiled

(By egreg) It's possible to overcome the limitations with \Widehatarrow, by using a \vphantom and \mathpalette:

  \tikz[baseline] {
    \node[inner sep=0, anchor=base] (widehatarrow){$#1#2$};
    \draw[-to] (widehatarrow.north west)++(.05em,.4ex)
     -- ($(widehatarrow.north west)!.5!(widehatarrow.north east)+(.05em,.8ex)$)
     -- ($(widehatarrow.north east)+(.05em,.4ex)$);%

Now the height of \Widehatarrow{AB} will be the same as the height of \widehat{AB} and the sizes will be respected, as shown by trying

  • Anyone, who has an idea how to solve the problems (“disadvantage”), is welcome to comment or point me in the right direction. :) Commented Oct 7, 2012 at 18:55
  • Both problems can be solved with some cognoscenti trickery, for \Widehatarrow. I'll add it to your solution.
    – egreg
    Commented Oct 7, 2012 at 19:11
  • The first solution is quite buggy with me (see mirari.fr/BJr2 ) (and it compiles differently every time). Anyway, the second (and its modified version) works perfectly. Thanks!
    – Paul22
    Commented Oct 7, 2012 at 20:04
  • @Paul22 Yes, the first one needs two compilations and is superseded by the second one (especially with egreg's addition), anyway. Commented Oct 7, 2012 at 20:24

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