I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and installed the Ubuntu package 'texlive-fonts-extra' to be able to use the Libertine font. Everything is working fine except the sans-serif (Linux Biolinum) italic font. I get the following warnings:
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/fxb/m/sl' undefined
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/fxb/m/it' undefined
LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.
I've found several suggestions, but none of them helped.
First of all this Q&A suggests to update the Libertine font to version 5.1.3. Well the package ttf-linux-libertine is of version 5.1.3, but I doubt that this package is used by LaTeX. I couldn't figure out which version is used by LaTeX or how to upgrade the font.
This mail suggests to use
Unfortunately this does not help either.
Minimal example:
\textsf{Lorem }
Compare the output with and without Libertine package:
(with XeTeX or LuaTeX)?Requested font "LinLibertine_R" at 10.0pt ! Font \zf@basefont=LinLibertine_R at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file or installed font not found