I want to draw an image like this with TIKZ.
I want to convert the Squares to rectangles, thus I am using Tikz. However, I am unable to draw those dots in TIKZ. Here is the code that I have written.
shorten >=1pt,
node distance=2cm,
every state/.style={%
\node[state] (A) {$A$};
\node[state] (B1) [right of=A] {$B$};
\node[state] (B2) [above of=B1] {$B$};
\node[state] (B3) [below of=B1] {$B$};
\node[state] (B4) [below of=B3,node distance=4cm] {$B$};
\node[state] (B5) [above of=B1,node distance=4cm] {$B$};
\draw[below of=B5] node {...};
\node[state] (C1) [right of=B1] {$C$};
\node[state] (C2) [right of=B2] {$C$};
\node[state] (C3) [right of=B3] {$C$};
\node[state] (D) [right of=C1] {$D$};
\path (A) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$N$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (B1)
(A) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (B2)
(A) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (B3)
(B1) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (C1)
(B2) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (C2)
(B3) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (C3)
(C1) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (D)
(C2) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (D)
(C3) edge node [above, xshift=-1mm,very near start] {$1$} node [above, xshift=1mm,very near end] {$1$} (D);
% Hard-coded the token location since i don't know about it.
% \fill[black] (0.00,1.00) circle (2pt);
%\fill[black] (3.00,1.00) circle (2pt);
%\fill[black] (6.00,1.00) circle (2pt);
Can anyone please show me how to make it work?