Possible Duplicate:
How to combine Acronym and Glossary

I'm using glossaries in LaTeX.

I have an acronym (e.g. API) that should be explained in the glossary. Every occurrence of it should be linked to the glossary, and the very first occurrence should be expanded to the full form.

How can I do that?

  • i will try to do that.
    – youseeus
    Jan 14, 2011 at 13:52
  • The link to the answer on tex.stackexchange.com will be helpful to others. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/8946/…
    – denilw
    Feb 8, 2011 at 0:04
  • I know, I added the link so people don't need to go searching for the answer on that site and also so that your question goes off the unanswered list.
    – denilw
    Feb 25, 2011 at 0:20


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