I am using pgfplots to plot the a function. I have been looking around on the forums, but I could not find a solution. I would like to origin to be indicated as a 0 on the x axis. I would also like to get the axis labels to appear respectively left and below the axis. Any ideas?
I have the following plot:
\begin{axis}[width=7cm, height=2cm,xmin=-6,xmax=6,ymin=0,ymax=1,
no markers,
axis lines=left,
axis lines=middle,
scale only axis,
% extra y ticks={0.5},
/pgfplots/ytick={0, 0.5,1}, % make steps of length 0.5
/pgfplots/xtick={-5,0,5}, % make steps of length 5
\addplot {1/(1+exp(-x)};