I am trying to use TikZ together with a macro that I defined via \NewDocumentCommand
(for multiple optional arguments), but it doesn't behave as expected. TikZ is giving up on the path instead of working with the macro expansion.
Minimal example:
\NewDocumentCommand{\myEdge}{O{} O{auto} m}{edge [#1] node [#2] {#3}}
% This works
\node (test1) {test1};
\node (test2) [right=of test1] {test2} edge [] node [auto] {test3} (test1);
% This does not
\node (test1) {test1};
\node (test2) [right=of test1] {test2} \myEdge{test3} (test1);
! Package tikz Error: Giving up on this path. Did you forget a semicolon?.
See the tikz package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.19 ...e (test2) [right=of test1] {test2} \myEdge
{test3} (test1);
Edit: The answer given by @Werner works beautifully when only using the macro with the required argument, or not using it more than once per path. But the following example still fails:
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\myEdge}{O{} O{auto} m}{edge [#1] node [#2] {#3}}
% This works
\node (node1) {node1};
\node (node2) [right=of node1] {node2};
\node (node3) [right=of node2] {node3} edge [bend left] node [right] {edge1} (node2) edge [] node [auto] {edge2} (node1);
% This does not
\node (node1) {node1};
\node (node2) [right=of node1] {node2};
\node (node3) [right=of node2] {node3} \myEdge[bend left][right]{edge1} (node2) \myEdge{edge2} (node1);
The error:
! Package tikz Error: Giving up on this path. Did you forget a semicolon?.
See the tikz package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.19 ...left][right]{edge1} (node2) \myEdge{edge2}
I feel like I am missing some fundamental understanding of how either xparse generates those macros, or how TikZ parses the path.
it works and shows that it is still an expansion issue.