I am working with a presentation where I want a sequence of slides with a figure that changes slightly for each slide.

I want the figure to to stay in the same place for many slides and I want to have text describing what happens.

How can I do this? The text is of different lengths for each slide so the figure will move around.

I am guessing I need some sort of command that allows me to specify both the width and height of a "box" where I can but whatever I want.

  • Please provide a compilable minimal working example (MWE) to work on.
    – T. Verron
    Commented Nov 12, 2012 at 7:34

2 Answers 2


I think with I am guessing I need some sort of command that allows me to specify both the width and height of a "box" where I can but whatever I want you are wondering the environments overlayarea and overprint.

Here is a short example that shows some pictures with relative text:

\only<1>{This is the text explaining picture 1}\only<2>{This is the text explaining picture a}\only<3>{This is the text explaining picture b}\only<4>{This is the text explaining picture c}

The result:

enter image description here

Notice that one important aspect is the image dimension, as also said by Dror: here I used the package mwe as test and the images used have been scaled by the same factor.

For more details of overlayarea and overprint hava a look to the beameruserguide section 9.5 Dynamically Changing Text or Images.


Here's a MWE of a slide where what you're after worked for me:

\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
Some text

The important thing is, that the bounding boxes of the figures are exactly the same here.

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